
Stacy Dacheux [ + ][ – ]
John D’Agata [ + ][ – ]
Fred D’Aguiar [ + ][ – ]
Beverly Dahlen [ + ][ – ]
Thomas Dai [ + ][ – ]
Susan Daitch [ + ][ – ]
Mark Z. Danielewski [ + ][ – ]
Edwidge Danticat [ + ][ – ]
Bei Dao [ + ][ – ]
John Darcy [ + ][ – ]
Henry Darger [ + ][ – ]
Eric Darton [ + ][ – ]
Ellen Datlow [ + ][ – ]
Monica Datta [ + ][ – ]
Guy Davenport [ + ][ – ]
Ashley David [ + ][ – ]
Michael Davidson [ + ][ – ]
Donald Davie [ + ][ – ]
Bevan Davies [ + ][ – ]
Tere Dávila [ + ][ – ]
Amparo Dávila [ + ][ – ]
John C. Davis [ + ][ – ]
Kathryn Davis [ + ][ – ]
Lydia Davis [ + ][ – ]
Lynn Davis [ + ][ – ]
Heather D. Davis [ + ][ – ]
Fielding Dawson [ + ][ – ]
Jodi Daynard [ + ][ – ]
John DeCaire [ + ][ – ]
Tim Dee [ + ][ – ]
Giovanni De Feo [ + ][ – ]
Michel Deguy [ + ][ – ]
Samuel R. Delany [ + ][ – ]
Nicholas Delbanco [ + ][ – ]
Don DeLillo [ + ][ – ]
Emma De Lisle [ + ][ – ]
O. V. de L. Milosz [ + ][ – ]
Zaida del Río [ + ][ – ]
Baron Adolphe de Meyer [ + ][ – ]
Richard Deming [ + ][ – ]
Mary de Rachewiltz [ + ][ – ]
Matthew Derby [ + ][ – ]
Robert Desnos [ + ][ – ]
Christopher DeWeese [ + ][ – ]
Carlos Dews [ + ][ – ]
H. D. [Hilda Doolittle] [ + ][ – ]
Junot Díaz [ + ][ – ]
Dominic Di Bernardi [ + ][ – ]
Volodymyr Dibrova [ + ][ – ]
Elizabeth Diller [ + ][ – ]
John Dimitroff [ + ][ – ]
Anthony Discenza [ + ][ – ]
Stephen Dixon [ + ][ – ]
Ngoc Doan [ + ][ – ]
Duncan Dobbelmann [ + ][ – ]
John Domini [ + ][ – ]
Joseph Donahue [ + ][ – ]
Timothy Donnelly [ + ][ – ]
Kathleen Donohoe [ + ][ – ]
Karen Donovan [ + ][ – ]
Lisa Donovan [ + ][ – ]
Marguerite Dorian [ + ][ – ]
Stacy Doris [ + ][ – ]
Edward Dorn [ + ][ – ]
Jesse Dorris [ + ][ – ]
Fyodor Dostoevsky [ + ][ – ]
Mark Edmund Doten [ + ][ – ]
Mark Doty [ + ][ – ]
Mark Dow [ + ][ – ]
Coleman Dowell [ + ][ – ]
Gregory Dowling [ + ][ – ]
Ben Doyle [ + ][ – ]
Lindsey Drager [ + ][ – ]
Ian Dreiblatt [ + ][ – ]
Tiff Dressen [ + ][ – ]
Rikki Ducornet [ + ][ – ]
Stacey Duff [ + ][ – ]
Bruce Duffy [ + ][ – ]
Andy Duncan [ + ][ – ]
Robert Duncan [ + ][ – ]
Rachel Blau DuPlessis [ + ][ – ]
Marcella Durand [ + ][ – ]
Christopher Durang [ + ][ – ]
Andrew Durbin [ + ][ – ]
Danielle Dutton [ + ][ – ]
John Duvernoy [ + ][ – ]
Joy Dworkin [ + ][ – ]
Susanne Dyckman [ + ][ – ]
Geoff Dyer [ + ][ – ]



In Print

Vol. 82
Works & Days
Spring 2024
Bradford Morrow


July 24, 2024
On Valentine’s Day, Milo strings a horse-shaped piñata from the ceiling light in our living room, and I walk by twice before noticing it swaying there. The light is off and the horse is dark, but I am not unobservant. Part of me accepts a horse swinging in my periphery. Milo makes up a real reason for me to go back down the hall and, when I look for the space heater, I find the horse hanging. He dangles from a yellow jump rope, and I am so happy to see him in my house. Milo hands me the stick. “You need,” he says, “to kill a horse.”
July 17, 2024
There is the man on the moon. Go to him. Get bread from him, drink his water. Take your dog, Blue to him. Take your mother. She is skiing outside around the house. Stop her, tell her that Blue is going also. Take the gander, Henry. He is short in the legs. Leave me Iris. I have seen her eat feed in a pattern.
July 10, 2024
Marcie decided on Vertigo because she’d recently encountered several texts in quick succession that made extensive reference to it: Chris Marker’s time travel film told in still images, La Jetée, Terry Gilliam’s unlikely Hollywood adaptation, 12 Monkeys, and a story by Bennett Sims called “White Dialogues” about an embittered academic seething in an auditorium during a lecture being given by the hot new thing in Hitchcock studies. The coincidence made her feel involved with the film, and vice versa, in a way that evades more specific description.