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Conjunctions offers print and online advertising opportunities. For all advertisements, invoices are issued upon receipt of the ad, and payment is due prior to ad publication.


To ensure maximum exposure, each ad featured on Conjunctions’ website appears on our homepage, on the front pages of our Online, Selected Texts, and Multimedia sections, and on all pages within our Store, Advertise, About Us, and Support sections. Reservations for online ad space may be made at any time by emailing [email protected].

Online ad rates

  • One month: $300
  • Two months: $500

Online ad specs

  • Format: JPG, GIF, or TIFF
  • Color: RGB
  • Ad height: 227 pixels (a small amount of wiggle room is allowed for ad height)
  • Ad width: exactly 271 pixels
  • Resolution: 72ppi
Ad space is available in each spring and fall issue of Conjunctions. For spring issues, ads must be received by March 1, and we recommend reserving space no later than February 1. For fall issues, ads must be received by September 1, and we recommend reserving ad space no later than August 1.

Print ad rates

  • Full-page ad: $150
  • Two facing full-page ads: $250

Print ad specs

  • Format: TIFF (preferred) or JPG only—no PDFs, please
  • Color: CMYK grayscale / B&W
  • Ad dimensions: exactly 4.5"W X 7.5"H, (Trim size: 6"W X 9"H)
  • Resolution: Minimum 300ppi

Please contact us if you are interested in placing an ad, or if you wish to be advised of the themes or contributors for upcoming issues.



In Print

Vol. 82
Works & Days
Spring 2024
Bradford Morrow


April 24, 2024
The July morning was alive with a sound in the air, strange communications, the acoustics of the big yard amplifying each rustle, each wave. Odd creatures glittering on the ground. Herds spread lavishly, a wilderness of transparent wings, bug eyes, a mosaic of glassy fragments. Glinting. They covered the grass, the sidewalk, covered the branches of the trees.
April 17, 2024
The sound reverberated in my sense of what was right and reliable in the world like drone weaponry, and what I wanted to ask was: what business have you left undone, and did you do a thing you so regretted that you can’t let go of it, was there a person you cut off, when sympathy would have been the better gesture, was there a person you trod on to get ahead in your sales job, speaking ill of them, so that they were forever harmed, did you say something awful about a friend in school, did you call a friend the worst of names in middle school, because it was a thing they said then, the boys did that, only to find, later on, that you loved that boy in a way . . . .
April 10, 2024
I do not like old water.

The water in the ocean is old

The lake is old

But maybe it’s not

Subject to the logic of time, of old and new.
